Thermal Interface Materials

There Is More to Thermal Management than Thermal Conductivity

Traditional solder-based metals are commonly used in semiconductor applications. However, due to their rigidity and lack of conformance, they require a large bond line and complicated assembly. Arieca’s high elongation, conforming LMEE brings thin bond line liquid metal TIMs to standard HVM flows without sacrificing reliability.

ALT Series - High Reliability

Arieca’s ALT series targets the TIM1 space, achieving extremely low thermal resistance through the realization of extremely low contact resistance and thin yet reliable bondline thicknesses. The ALT series is a cure-in-place emulsion that has been optimized for adhesion to silicon and nickel-plated copper. The emulsion has been optimized for easy dispensing with current high-volume manufacturing (HVM) equipment. ALT is a suitable replacement for Polymeric TIM (PTIM).

ULT Series - High Performance

Arieca’s ULT series is intended to replace liquid metal in applications that demand the highest thermal perfomance. Achieving extremely low thermal resistance through the realization of low contact resistance and  optimized bondline thicknesses. The ULT series is a cure-in-place emulsion optimized for easy dispensing with current high-volume manufacturing (HVM) equipment.

EXT Series - Rework

Arieca’s EXT series is an easy-to-use replacement of pure liquid metal for the TIM2 space, achieving extremely low thermal resistance (approaching liquid metals) for board level TIM applications. With thermal conductivity > 10W/mK, it is an ideal TIM for high BLT applications. The EXT series is a non-curing emulsion that has been optimized for easy dispensing and rework with current high-volume manufacturing (HVM) methods. 

Radically changing the way TIMs thermally connect layers.

Extremely Low Thermal Resistance

Arieca’s TIMbber architecture allows for extremely low thermal resistance. This is possible by having a single liquid metal microdroplet bridging the interfaces. This architecture reduces the contact resistance, which is the dominant factor in most other TIMs. We used NanoTest TIMA to measure thermal resistance as a function of bond-line Thickness (BLT), and achieved less than 7 mm2°C/W.

Thermal Test Vehicle

The most important test for a TIM is the implementation and measurement of in-package thermal resistance with a Thermal Test Vehicle (TTV). Arieca uses a proprietary TTV to test thermal resistance at t0 and after reliability cycles. Our TTV has active die dimensions of ~11mm x 13mm, and includes a custom heater network and thermal diodes, simulating the conditions experienced by modern semiconductors.

Thermal Shock

per MIL-STD-883B:
Test area shall be at -55°C (-10°C, +0°C) and +125°C (+10°C , -0°C) for a minimum of 10 minutes

High Temperature Storage

per JEDEC 22-A103 Condition A:
+125°C (-0°C, +10°C)

Highly Accelerated Stress Test (HAST)

per JEDEC 22-A101:
85 ±2°C, 85 ±5%RH

Super Cooling: the ability of liquids to go below melting temperature without becoming solid

The microdroplets of liquid metals inside TIMbber remain liquid during the whole thermal shock temperature cycles, allowing for extremely reliable interfaces.

Let's explore if Arieca's products are right for you.